Although he may be early into his college athletic career, Bronson McClelland is already well on his way to becoming a star QB on the field! His career stats and highlights are demonstrative of his impressive abilities in the sport.

Bronson McClelland is ecstatic to see where the upcoming seasons take him as he develops his craft, both on and off the field. McClelland previously played for the Trinity Valley Community College Cardinals, where he enjoyed numerous highlights early into his college athletic career.
Trinity Valley Community College
Bronson McClelland began his collegiate career in 2021 when he joined the Trinity Valley Community College Cardinals. Holding his own as QB of the team, McClelland proudly played his role in ensuring peak performance of his teammates. As a TVCC Cardinal, he enjoyed the following statistics across the five (5) games he played with the team: 110 completions, 177 attempts, a completion rate of 62.1%, 1289 yards (with 184.1 yards per game and 7.3 yards per attempt), 9 touchdowns, 6 interceptions and a pass efficiency of 133.3. While QB for the Cardinals, McClelland faced off against RPA College, Cisco College, New Mexico Military Institute, Blinn College and Kilgore College. These games resulted in two (2) wins for the TVCC Cardinals.